I guess the below pictures need explaining. Well, after finally getting a reprieve from teething, low and behold Micah suffered a pretty bad fall, which gave him the bump on the back of the head. It gave us quite a scare and made for some pretty interesting diaper changes, but he was feeling much better in a couple of days. We had a fun weekend visiting with Nana, and just as Micah's head healed, he developed a completely unrelated preseptal cellulitis (an infection in his eyelid). Thankfully, Matt knew what it was, so we were able to get an antibiotic quickly to treat him. As you can tell from the video, he wasn't in too much pain! Music has always been a sort of therapy for Micah, and he has recently added some new, interesting dance moves to his repertoire. We have given him some of Matt's old CD's and an inexpensive CD player, and Micah absolutely loves playing DJ.
We also, in between Micah incidents, took Owen for his 6 month checkup at the doctor. He is doing very well and weighed in at 17 pounds, 4 ounces. He is 26 3/4 inches long. He is still on the tall side and weighs very average. He is trying some new veggies and fruits, and loves his rice cereal. He is still a very happy, content baby, and we are noticing a shy side. He gets very nervous in crowded places and will sometimes start screaming when he sees an unfamiliar face. He is sitting very well these days and is definitely developing an opinion about which toys he wants to play with. He currently likes Tad, a baby leap frog toy, and his baby Einstein ladybug. He loves it when they "talk" to him. He also loves when we read books and sing songs.
I hope this post finds everyone doing well. I will post some more videos soon now that I have figured it out.