Monday, April 27, 2009

What Micah is Up To

I haven't done a "what the boys are doing these days" post in a while.  I figured I would start with Micah.  He has officially stopped being obsessed with time, numbers, etc.  I think he figured them out enough to satisfy his urge.  He has really taken to playing games lately.  He loves dominoes, crazy eights, memory, solitaire, Hi Ho Cherrio, and Candy Land.  I am excited about this because Matt and I also love to play games, so we are just as entertained as our almost four year old.  He is talking a lot more.  He will now start conversations instead of just responding.  He will tell me stories about his day at school.  He has started pretending, which is something he has previously not been fond of.  We baked several cakes outside today in our water table, and he even made me the most delicious chocolate chip cookies with a whole cup of cinnamon in them!  His interests are much more diverse these days, so we have a much easier time entertaining him, and I am not as worried about him doing the same thing day in and day out.  He loves to play outside.  He will send cars and trucks down the slide, hit baseballs from his tee, and his all time favorite-swing.  We have also started doing some crafts and practicing writing.  He loves using scissors and glue.  He wants to learn how to write, and is starting to make legible letters and numbers.  He also loves to read.  He reads very well now and will often take turns with me before nap time.  He will read a page, then I will read one.  He will even read long passages from the Bible at night with Matt.  This is especially impressive to me because he will sound out hard words and the print is so tiny.  We often tell him he has a gift, and are excited to see how the Lord will have him use it.  He has numerous books scattered about on his floor in his own special order.  He gets upset if I try to clean them up.  I have put a basket to hold them all in his room and have finally convinced him that this way is much neater!  This past weekend, he came down with yet another cold.  Unfortunately, ever since that first bout of pneumonia back in November, these viruses seem to go straight for his chest.  He has been coughing a lot these past few days, and has been a bit moody.  He had a meltdown on Saturday when Matt had to leave for work.  I literally had to chase Matt down our driveway so that he could come in and help me calm him down.  For being such a trooper and helper while Dada was at work (and to help cope with the sickness), Matt brought home a new dice game.  We all had fun with Toss 'em Up that evening.  Thankfully, it seems like he is on the mend today-still coughing but much better spirits.  I am hoping he will recover quickly as he has his poetry day at school on Friday.  He has been asked by his teacher to recite a Bible verse for everyone before his class says their poem.  He informed me today that Ms. Charissa was going to get him a microphone so that his voice would be louder.  We are praying for courage for him as he is still very shy.   I am going to do my best to get a video of this!  Until then, here is a video of us playing his new game. You will have to excuse all the coughing.


Steph said...

Love keeping up with the boys on here even though yall are down the street! I don't have your email so are you guys free for dinner Sunday? Thought we would cook out at the hose and would love to have yall visit, we can do it early so we don't interefere with the boys. let me know!

taylor said...

SO cute!

i love his "shake it, shake it baby" song!!

we hope to see you guys soon. any way memorial day is a possibility??