Sweet baby girl:
These past few months have been busy, busy. We have been helping Micah get better and running to and fro therapies and doctors. Dada has been playing catch-up at work the past couple of Saturdays leaving me little time to do your blog posts to document your milestones. One thing is for sure: you are a trooper, and you are BUSY-such a fun mix of your brothers. You remind us so much of Micah in that, when we are home, you are into everything and always thinking (you have amazing raised and furrowed brow thinking faces). I know that I am very soon going to have to put locks on things and put up the baby gates. I am already getting you used to playing in your pack-n-play so that I will have somewhere to contain you! You remind us of Owen in the way you hang out in the car and get in and out with almost no problems. You are sweet during long therapy sessions and doctor's visits. You nap in the car when I need you to and still come home and get right back on your schedule. Here are a few other things about you at six and seven months:
-At nearly seven months you weighed 17 pounds 10 oz. and were 26 in. long. This put you in the 70 % in weight and 45% in length. What can I say? You love to eat-by far and away our best nurser. You, unfortunately were having a really hard time tolerating solids. You would cry for hours afterwards and spit up profusely. We agreed with the doctor to start you on some acid reflux medicine. You are a different baby! You are tolerating oatmeal, carrots, avocado, and zucchini very well with carrots being your favorite. You are sleeping better, and I rarely have to scrub the carpets! We are so thankful to have medicine for you to feel better.
-You love your brothers. You have learned to scream really loudly when they come in the room. I know you learned this from their very loud talking. You also are very interested in everything they are doing. I always remind them that you are watching and learning.
-You roll all over the place and can spin around in circles. This gets you pretty much anywhere you want to go. You can get your belly high off the ground and rock back and forth, so we are expecting some real crawling any time.
-You still have no teeth. This is not surprising as your brothers didn't get any till 9 months. You do have some swollen bumps on the bottom.
-You can say your first word-Dada. You say it all the time, but you also know the right time to say it: when you see your dada! You also make many other sounds. You will respond to your name, "find the baby" on your wall, wave when you see new people, shake the rattle when I ask you to, and are learning the word "no" as you grab everything you are not supposed to.
-You are sleeping from roughly 8 at night until 7 or 8 in the morning with one wake up at 2. We are trying to break this habit that you formed when your reflux was really bothering you. You take two good naps for me during the day and are mostly a very happy girl when you are awake.
-Your favorite things to do: Jump in your jumper. You squeal and bounce so high, then pick up your legs and swing back through the doorway. You also love putting anything and everything in your mouth. We have cleaned out the playroom and coach the boys often about keeping small things off the floor. You love playing in the tent, and taking long walks in your stroller. You love your sling, and it has been a life saver these past few months with all our running around. We went to the zoo one day, and I can tell you are going to love being outside. In fact, today we are cleaning up our water table for you to splash in. You love music in the car. I am working on putting a CD together for you to listen to in the house. (by that I mean waiting for a time when dada can help me!) You like books, but not sitting still to read them so much. I have learned to just give you your own book to chew while I read another one out loud.
-You love your mama, and I love you. You are such a great addition, Margot!
First Easter with Dada. We all think you look a lot like him!
There is that toe I love! You were born with it sticking out like this.
Micah wanted to take your picture in your pretty purple
There are those brows (and toe!)
SO cute!
She's adorable!
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