Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Catching Up

Well, I had this originally done two days ago, and I can't seem to get the cute video to upload of the performance.  I can't stall any longer because I really want to post some other things and I am a little OCD about keeping events in as much order as possible on this thing.  You will just have to trust me that it was great seeing my little guy sing his heart out to big truths such as "In the covenant of life, what did God require one to do?  To obey God perfectly.  Did Adam keep the covenant of life?  No, he sinned against God."  There were much more including Adam representing all of us when he sinned, and how we all need Jesus to be saved.  Pretty amazing stuff!  

Wow!  I need to catch up big time on the blog.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks, and I am trying to maintain some order (a very real need for me).  So, blogging has been put on the back burner for a while.  I am hoping to catch up this week though so stay tuned.  First I wanted to post some cute pictures of the boys working puzzles together.  They love doing this, but I do have to be sitting right there to referee.  Micah will often grab a piece from Owen because he knows where it goes, and nothing makes Owen more sad than to have something grabbed out of his hands.  It is a great way to teach them to communicate with each other rather than just take things.  Yes, they are wearing Halloween pj's given to them by the Browns.  Lately, they love to wear matching pj's, and since Owen's are mostly hand-me-downs, they only have a select few that actually match.  

This photo is from Micah's end of the year school program.  They sang all the catechism questions that they have learned to music.  Micah was a little stunned being on stage, but he did really well singing.  What a blessing that he has learned so much great theology this year.  It is so impressive to me that his preschool teaches these children great truths that many might think too complex for a three year old.  

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