Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hangin' Around

Owen loves climbing into the fort. He really loves doing anything Micah does. We try to tell Micah that Owen is watching, so he needs to be a good example. I know that is a big responsibility for a three year old, but I guess that is part of being the big brother.

Despite the occasional sibling rivalry, these two are starting to become buddies. Matt and I do, however, certainly have to facilitate. I think I expected them to just be best friends, but I am often reminded that they are selfish, and this too will take much work. Matt and I try to teach them things that they can have fun doing together to avoid the tugging of Mega Blocks, and throwing of cars. I think in general though, they will get along very well. Micah loves to be in charge and have things very particular, and Owen is usually very obliging, mostly doing whatever Micah wants! We are working hard on teaching the boys that love is an action. Even when we don't "feel" like loving someone, that is what we are called to do. Ginger Plowman, in her book Heaven at Home, says that "today's culture would like for us to believe that it is normal for siblings to not get along and not 'like' each other. [Siblings on television] are often seen fighting, yelling, name-calling, or belittling one another with hateful remarks. " She comments that in a Christian home this behavior should not be expected or brushed off as "normal," and that "it's important for parents to pro-actively cultivate unity and friendship." She lists ways to help them serve one another, support one another, and put priority on their friendships with one another. This is certainly a tough task, but we trust the Lord to send His Spirit to help when we don't feel like "loving."

We have had a bit of a nap issue these days, which explains Micah's tired eyes. Oh, and we had a mishap at the zoo, which explains the black and white attempt to hide his bruises!

1 comment:

Ben, Katie, and Campbell said...

its so encouraging to hear how diligently you parent - even though its hard to do! i hate that you had a few "sad weeks" - i wish i would have known... maybe we all need a girls getaway? :) i go through the same thing every once in a while, and its good to know the Lord is renewing our hearts even when we are down - and what good news that we are made ALIVE with Him! (know matter how we feel...) miss y'all!