Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What Really Matters?

I would love to urge all of my faithful blog readers (all 20 of you!) to check out one of our pastor's blogs. Click here to see several video clips exposing the Obama campaign's views on human life. I am sickened by the thought of a baby being born alive and taken to a dark room to suffocate to death. How could anyone in their right mind think that is okay? At the same time I am reminded of my own sin and run to my Savior again asking for deliverance. An acquaintance recently said "I hate when people choose who they are going to vote for based mainly on abortion." I don't know the best way to fix the economic crisis in our country today, but I do know what the Bible teaches about human life. We are created in God's image, and no human has the right to decide which babies should live or die. It is absolutely our government's job to protect human rights, one of which is life at any age. If this is not one of your priorities this election year, I pray you spend some time finding out why it should be. May the Lord have mercy on our country.


TMB said...

amen sister!

it is quite shocking to think of the direction that our country is headed in!

praise God, He is in control!

katie said...

i think it so huge, it is worth choosing a candidate over! scary thoughts... but thankfully, He is in control - no matter what happens. but i am thankful for your post - i wish nbc would expose that!

Ann said...

Thanks for sharing! I have heard about this horrible thing and how Obama votes. So scary. Your boys are so cute in their Auburn gear. Thanks for your e-mail (that you sent months ago). I'm sorry I'm so behind on e-mail and computer stuff. I want to catch up and hear how Micah is doing with school and all. We've had some really good days with Ellie recently. I am very thankful when God allows us to see some fruit!

Unknown said...

Hello, I came across your blog from Matt's facebook page. He and I were classmates.

I just wanted to briefly comment on the videos you referred to in your post. I would strongly urge each and every one of us to investigate the source of these videos, as many spoken comments and factoids were taken out of context and edited freely. This is an easy way to construe someone's real intentions, which unfortunately happens all the time in the media. I respect each individual's stance on abortion and am not commenting on what is right and what is wrong. Rather, I hope that as individuals, we have the acuity to discern what is real and what is misappropriated and, most importantly, to base our opinions on important matters such as abortion on those facts that we seek out, not those supplied by others-for we can never be too sure of its origins. Thank you for allowing me to comment freely on your blog.

The Morrisons said...

Thank you for your comments. Free discourse is one of the great parts of blogging. I would also commend all to seek to be discerning and to filter the news to find truth behind the bias. However, these videos only point to the reality of how heinous abortions can be. It is well documented that the Obama camp has supported abortion "rights" consistently. Abortion is the big travesty of our times, and I am glad that someone is seeking to expose what goes on behind closed doors. Rarely will traditional media ever cover a story on abortion.