Micah, we can't believe this day is here. You were so excited to turn four. I don't think you have slept much these past few days. You were a little shy to come into my room this morning, but your face lit up after a big hug and a round of "Happy Birthday." You couldn't wait to see what life was like as a four year old. You were convinced that you could take bigger bites of your cereal. I think you beat your record by one fruit loop! We weighed you on the scale and did the math to see how much bigger you are today than the day you were born- 4.28 times as big! We had a fun morning of playing Chutes and Ladders and then playing on the new slip and slide from Uncle Andy and Aunt Jessica. We celebrated for dinner by going to eat Mexican-your all time favorite. After gymnastics, we came home to open your birthday presents. You were so excited to see the new (gently used) set of golf clubs that Dada picked out especially for you. You said: "I did not know about these! These are an awesome birthday present. These are my very own golf clubs!" After several shots in the backyard and promises to visit the golf course again soon, we coaxed you inside for a bath, some milk, and a few more gifts. You got some new books, new shoes, and UNO. You were very excited about a new game to play.
Micah, we cannot express how proud we are of you. We love you immensely. You are so tenacious-you stop at nothing until you figure things out. You can be so tenderhearted. You love your brother to pieces and are always checking up on him. You will often ask him to play with you, and you always want to be sure that he will be coming wherever we go. This morning you said "I hear Owen, let's go get him up!" I love your new interests. You always pick a couple and really go with them. Right now you are focused on golf and skipping rocks. You told us yesterday that you wanted to be like Tiger Woods! You have big goals and big dreams. We are praying that the Lord will continue to grow you into a healthy boy who loves and trusts Him. We are praying that God will make you a leader that strives to bring glory to Him alone. We are praying for you as a big brother, that you will help guide your siblings in a way that pleases the Lord. We love you so much, Bubs and we are so happy you are four!
Happy birthday to Micah! How are you feeling?We are praying for you and your growing family!
Thank you so much for the comment today and lately. I absolutely adored that pesto pizza- i have made it for all of my friends since then!!! i made it for girls' night one night, and then for everyone in my sunday school class. :) trader joe's really knows how to do crusts...
ANYWAY.. i have been wanting to say CONGRATULATIONS on the new member of the family on the way. I bet you all are so happy and excited. My Mom told me the news right after they were with the Morrisons in Charlottesville and then were here for Stephen's graduation.
And by the way, I'm so glad you blog! It has been such a fun way for me to be connected to your family and get to know you a little bit better even though we're not too close geographically. Thanks for staying in touch with comments too! It's very sweet of you.
Happy birthday, Micah! We love you!
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