Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Spoonful Of Syrup...

...helps the medicine go down. Poor Micah seems to have been battling a stomach bug the past few days. The main concern has been getting his steroids down. Steroids are funny drugs, and you can't just stop taking them without some serious things happening. We were contemplating injections but didn't want to have to give Micah painful shots on top of everything else he is going through. Thankfully, with the help of prayer and Hershey's syrup, we have kept his doses down (a very helpful pharmacist at Harris Teeter made the suggestion of masking the bitter, gagging flavor of orapred with chocolate!) To say this bug has thrown us for a loop is an understatement. We feel like we keep getting hit on all sides these days. As if adjusting to life wasn't already challenging enough, we have spent most of our time in either in the bathroom or laundry room and scrubbing carpets and sheets. I want to say a special thanks to those bringing us meals, my neighbor for saving the day yesterday with packs of pull-ups, Stanley Steamer for making me feel clean again, Aunt Maggie for helping with the other kiddos while I was helping Micah, Owen for deciding to be a sweet helper again, and Margot for taking a four hour nap this morning. The Lord has been faithful to us. Just when I really start having a pity party, He shows His face in such a tangible way and reminds me of His goodness. The amazing thing is that Micah is staying so positive through yet another trial. He amazes me with how he is handling this. I can't imagine what he must be thinking after being so sick for so long. I, on the other hand, am having a hard time staying positive for him as I watch his body become weaker again with dehydration and malnutrition. It is hard to not see improvements. We postponed our therapies until next week as we feel Micah needs to rest and build back his energy stores before we start pushing him physically. We also found out today that our insurance doesn't cover occupational therapy. It will, thankfully, cover the physical and speech therapies, but we now have to decide what to do about the other. I think I will be doing some research tonight and adding another job description under the title Mom! I really want to be able to do as much as possible for Micah at home anyway. I know it will be easier in some ways to work with Micah myself: I won't be having to drive to and fro, I already know and love him, I know what makes him tick, and I just enjoy playing with him. Time will tell if this will work or if we will explore other options. In the meantime, we will keep loving each other, working hard, and relying on the Lord's grace and strength.

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