I actually stayed home this morning. I washed clothes, cleaned and organized, made a healthy lunch, and spent time preparing for our trip. We have wonderful friends in Atlanta, who are going to house us while we are there. Matt will spend the nights with Micah, and I will stay at the Brown's with the other children. We will go visit Micah daily, and I have been told that Micah may even be able to leave the hospital for a couple of hours a day! These are our tentative plans as we don't know this new facility or how things work there.
My brother-in-law and his girlfriend took our car for an oil change and tire rotation today. Owen went to school, and I had a little piece of normal for the first time in two weeks. It is hard not to feel guilty taking time off to recharge when what I really want is for my little boy to be the one able to come home. Alas, I will take this blessing as Margot really needed some time in her own bed. She slept till 9 and went back down for a nap at 10. She is still asleep. Owen begged me to stay home with him for 58 days. I know the others need some time too.
I am hoping to take some pictures today to show you how great Micah is doing. Matt said he was very feisty during his morning therapy session and even threw his toothbrush. I hate that now we have to discern the fine line between defiance and inabilities. It's hard enough to parent when children are healthy, but this is sure to add a difficult dynamic. Pray that we would be encouraging to Micah and that we would be wise in parenting/disciplining him. One of the great benefits of going to an inpatient facility is that we won't also have to be the ones pushing him physically. Also, please pray that we would be able to go to Atlanta-that Micah would be a good fit and that our insurance will approve this therapy.
1 comment:
Please let me know if there is anything at all we can do for you. If you need something with the house or the dog while you are gone in Atlants we are just down the street and can do anything!!
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