We are set to leave for Atlanta at 8 AM on Thursday. They are speaking with insurance now, but they are confident it will cover. We may even be able to drive Micah ourselves!
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
A Little About Us
We are a family of five, and I have chosen to capture a few of the highlights of our lives in this blog. My motivation is that I want my forgetful husband to be able to remember even the little things about us. I also love an easy way to keep our friends and family a part of our lives. I hope you enjoy reading a little about our daily goings on, but please remember: while our lives may seem nice and put together on paper, this is a blog. I can assure you that we are constantly messing things up around here. We are thankful that our sins have been washed white as snow in the blood of Jesus.
That's great news! What a blessing that the Browns are in Atlanta for yall. And it is soooo good to hear that Micah is getting better ( and fiesty!)
Praise the Lord! Praying for y'all through this next transition.
yeah! Great news Ginny! Please let us know if you need anything.
The videos made us cry!
Thank you for sharing the video of Micah WALKING!!!
What a wonderful blessing!
Praise be to God. Ginny, please let one of us know your mailing address in Atlanta. Praying.
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